Preparatory actions on EU plant and animal genetic resources in agriculture

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Irish National Crop Wild Relative Database

Type of genetic resources

  • Plant genetic resources (PGR)

Contact details of the database/inventory

Name: Una Fitzpatrick
Address: Waterford City IRE Ireland
Email Website

Contact details of IT manager of the database

Database history

Date of establishment of the DB: After 2010
Motivations for the creation of the DB: To collate and maintain data on ITPGRA species in Ireland. Since expanded to all Irish Crop Wild Relative species

Database content

Predominant geographic origin of the material in the DB: National
Type of collections/populations stored in the DB:

  • in situ

Type of data included in the database:

  • Geographic distributional data

Evolution of the number of records over the last 10 years: Large increase

Database usage

Average yearly number of users:

Internal users: 10
External users: 100
Frequency, how often users is consulting the DB: < 20 times
Evolution of the number of users over the last 10 years: Small increase

User interface

Access options offer by the DB:

  • Public via Internet

Is the DB accessible in English: Yes


Database management software: SQL

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