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Use of the genome sequence to characterize intraclonal and interspecific variability in peach and almond

Start date: 01/01/2013 > Completion date: 12/31/2015

General information about the project/initiative

Name of the Project/Initiative: Use of the genome sequence to characterize intraclonal and interspecific variability in peach and almond

General information about the organisation

Name: IRTA
City: Barcelona
Post Code: 8193
Country: Spain

Contact details of the person responsible for the project/initiative:

Name: Pere Arús
Phone number: +34607072923

Description of the project/initiative

Domains covered by the project/initiative:

  • Plant genetic resources (PGR)

Number of partners: 2
Scope of the project: National
Initial motivation for starting the project/initiative: Develop realistic methods for gene introgression from exòtic sources in tree species

Actions which describe the project – Actions are ranked from 1 to 10

Generating information (phenotyping, genotyping, etc.) 1
Breeding and producing cultivars/breeds (including pre-breeding) 4
Improving methodology (improving all the above, standardising, etc.) 3
Scientific research (analysing diversity, finding traits, etc.) 2
Finding fast approaches to introgress genes from wild or cultivated relatives into peach

Budget and funding

Overall budget of the project/initiative (in Euros): 210,000€
National government: 50%
Other public authorities than national government and agencies: 50%

Expected outcomes and communication


Increase knowledge X
Scientific community X

To make use of exotic variability for cultivated species


Final consumers X
Users of genetic resources such as breeders, farmers, industry X

Project/initiative to lead to the initiation of further projects/initiatives

– The method proposed can be used in other species or for other wild relatives of peach. The materials released (introgression lines) have interest for genetic analysis and as parents in commercial breeding