- Genetic Resources in Europe - https://www.geneticresources.eu -

Programme for Conservation of Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Start date: 01/06/1996 > Completion date: 11/11/2014

General information about the project/initiative

Name of the Project/Initiative: Programme for Conservation of Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

General information about the organisation

Name: Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine
City: Dublin
Post Code: 2
Country: Ireland

Contact details of the person responsible for the project/initiative:

Name: Donal Coleman
Phone number: 353 1 6302902
Website [1]

Description of the project/initiative

Domains covered by the project/initiative:

  • Plant genetic resources (PGR)
  • Animal genetic resources (AnGR)
  • Forest genetic resources (FGR)
  • Microbial and Invertebrate genetic resources (MIGR)

Number of partners: 14
Scope of the project: National
Initial motivation for starting the project/initiative: Programme initiated in 1996 to comply with obligations under the CBD and later developed to align with priority activities of the FAO CGRFA. It is accorded a project budget annually

Actions which describe the project – Actions are ranked from 1 to 10

Managing genetic resources (collecting, conserving, maintaining, regenerating, optimising composition, etc.) 1
Managing information (databasing, interfacing, etc.) 2
Improving methodology (improving all the above, standardising, etc.) 3
Legal/policy matters (improving access, ABS, etc.) 4
Raising public awareness (aiming at the general public) 5
The programme represents Department policy and programming in this field, including coordination of activiites of NGOs, other state bodies and decision making and funding with regard to priority areas

Budget and funding

Overall budget of the project/initiative (in Euros): €60,000
National government: 100%
Comments: This is a state funded programme to meet international obligations with regard to conservation and utilization of genetic resources for food and agriculture

Expected outcomes and communication


Increase knowledge X
Improve/conserve genetic resource materials X
Scientific community X
Genetic resources conservation community X


Final consumers X
Policy makers X
Users of genetic resources such as breeders, farmers, industry X

Project/initiative to lead to the initiation of further projects/initiatives

– The programme is regularly reviewed to ensure that it continues to address priority areas as articulated by stakeholders