- Genetic Resources in Europe - https://www.geneticresources.eu -


Type of genetic resources

  • Plant genetic resources (PGR)

Contact details of the database/inventory

Name: Maria Antonietta Palombi
Address: Rome 00134 Italy
Phone number: 0039067934811-178
Email [1] Website [2]

Contact details of IT manager of the database

Database history

Date of establishment of the DB: After 2010
Motivations for the creation of the DB: This network has been realized within the project “Plant Genetic Resources/FAO” (RGV/FAO), approved and financed by the Ministry of Agriculture in order to recognize Italy’s adhesion, in 2004, to the International Treaty of the FAO on Plant Genetic Resources for the access to plant genetic material and for the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from their utilization. Project partners are 29 Research Centres and Units of the CRA (Council for Research and Experimentation in Agriculture), the “Istituto di Bioscienze e Biorisorse” (IBBR – Mediterranean Germplasm Database) of the CNR in Bari, and the NGO “Rete Semi Rurali”. The database on the accessions of conserved plant species, however, is not limited to the germplasm collections held by participating institutions but is intended to grow over time in order to include also the collections held in other institutions, such as universities, of which some (University of Perugia, University of Potenza) “Nazareno Strampelli” Institute have already included their collections. The documentation of the accessions conserved also allows to notify the inclusion of accessions in the Multilateral System on Access and Benefit Sharing of the Treaty, and to exchange this material under the standard Material Transfer Agreement (sMTA), as foreseen by the Treaty.

Database content

Predominant geographic origin of the material in the DB: National
Type of collections/populations stored in the DB:

  • ex situ

Total number of accessions documented:

  • 100

Type of data included in the database:

  • Passport data
  • Use data
  • we work to improve type of data, in order to include phenotiptpic characteristics

Evolution of the number of records over the last 10 years: Large increase

Database usage

Average yearly number of users:

Internal users: 10
External users: 15
Frequency, how often users is consulting the DB: 20 – 50 times

User interface
