Preparatory actions on EU plant and animal genetic resources in agriculture

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Microbial Resources Research Infrastructure

Start date: 11/01/2012 > Completion date: 10/30/2015

General information about the project/initiative

Name of the Project/Initiative: Microbial Resources Research Infrastructure
Acronym: MIRRI

General information about the organisation

Name: DSMZ
City: Braunschweig
Post Code: 38124
Country: Germany

Contact details of the person responsible for the project/initiative:

Name: Erko Stackebrandt

Description of the project/initiative

Domains covered by the project/initiative:

  • Microbial and Invertebrate genetic resources (MIGR)

Number of partners: 16
Scope of the project: EU
Initial motivation for starting the project/initiative: Defragmentation; Establish coordinated access, strategy and policy

Actions which describe the project – Actions are ranked from 1 to 10

Managing genetic resources (collecting, conserving, maintaining, regenerating, optimising composition, etc.) 3
Managing information (databasing, interfacing, etc.) 4
Improving methodology (improving all the above, standardising, etc.) 5
Building capacity (involving GR collection managers) 6
Legal/policy matters (improving access, ABS, etc.) 2
Promoting use (aiming at potential users) 1

Budget and funding

Overall budget of the project/initiative (in Euros): 3100000
Other public authorities than national government and agencies: 100%
Comments: EC

Expected outcomes and communication


Scientific community X
Genetic resources conservation community X

Underpin research through access to high quality resources


Final consumers X
Policy makers X
Users of genetic resources such as breeders, farmers, industry X

Project/initiative to lead to the initiation of further projects/initiatives

– As part of the ESFRI roadmap MIRRI is in the preparatory phase; the next phase would be the implementation phase

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