Preparatory actions on EU plant and animal genetic resources in agriculture

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Type of genetic resources

  • Animal genetic resources (AnGR)

Contact details of the database/inventory

Name: Doytcho Dimov
Address: Plovdiv 4000 Bulgaria
Phone number: +359 888 77 22 24

Contact details of IT manager of the database

Name: Jordan Angelov
Address: София Bulgaria
Phone number: +359 0899 904037

Database history

Date of establishment of the DB: 1991 – 2000
Motivations for the creation of the DB: Breeding activity with sheep breeds requires intensive collection, storage and using of numerical and word information of zootechnical character. In many cases, primary information requires further processing, summarizing and estimations, that propose accumulation of data by years and herds. ISMO is new information system of monitoring and management of sheep genetic resources. The new information system has been developed as integrated database with tools of MS ACCESS and Visual Basic for Applications, which are applications of widely distributed in the country MS OFFICE. Information system that is presented in this paper consist of several modules: zootechnical register, pedigree book, herd books, information of the farmers and service functions. Procedures of lactation calculations, computing of the degree of inbreeding, preparing reports about productive performances, breeding estimations, certificates of the animals included in database have been realized in the modules. The information system provides quick access to the database and effective data use about genealogy of the animals, productive performance reports, breeding estimations and preparing certificates. This software transforms data in useful information and can be use to improve the activity of breeding organization to manage sheep and goat genetic resources. The information system has projected to serve two breeds, but it is possible to be further developed for more breeds

Database content

Predominant geographic origin of the material in the DB: Local
Type of collections/populations stored in the DB:

  • in situ

Total number of accessions documented:

  • 2

Type of data included in the database:

  • Registration
  • Passport data
  • Phenotypic data
  • Use data
  • Viability data

Evolution of the number of records over the last 10 years: Large decrease

Database usage

Average yearly number of users:

Internal users: 3
Evolution of the number of users over the last 10 years: No evolution

User interface

Access options offer by the DB:

  • Internal (in the managing organisation) access via LAN

Is the DB accessible in English: No


Database management software: MS ACCESS and Visual Basic for Applications

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