- Genetic Resources in Europe - https://www.geneticresources.eu -

In situ improvement of landraces

Start date: 01-01-2012 > Completion date: 31-12-2016

General information about the project/initiative

Name of the Project/Initiative: In situ improvement of landraces

General information about the organisation

Name: University of Hohenheim
City: Stuttgart
Post Code: 70599
Country: Stuttgart

Contact details of the person responsible for the project/initiative:

Name: Karl Schmid
Phone number: +4971145923487

Description of the project/initiative

Domains covered by the project/initiative:

  • Plant genetic resources (PGR)

Number of partners: 5
Scope of the project: EU
Initial motivation for starting the project/initiative: In situ improvement of European maize landrace using a modern breeding approach

Actions which describe the project – Actions are ranked from 1 to 10

Managing genetic resources (collecting, conserving, maintaining, regenerating, optimising composition, etc.) 3
Generating information (phenotyping, genotyping, etc.) 2
Breeding and producing cultivars/breeds (including pre-breeding) 1
Building capacity (involving GR collection managers) 4
Scientific research (analysing diversity, finding traits, etc.) 5
Promoting use (aiming at potential users) 6
Raising public awareness (aiming at the general public) 7

Budget and funding

Overall budget of the project/initiative (in Euros): 50000
Public-Private Partnerships: 100%

Expected outcomes and communication


Increase knowledge X
Improve/conserve genetic resource materials X
Scientific community X
Genetic resources conservation community X


Final consumers X
Users of genetic resources such as breeders, farmers, industry X

Project/initiative to lead to the initiation of further projects/initiatives

– In situ conservation involving more maize landraces