- Genetic Resources in Europe - https://www.geneticresources.eu -

Ameliorarea,identificarea si promovarea in cultura a unor specii si cultivare de cereale,plante tehnice,plante furajere,plante legumicole,pomi fructiferi,vita de vie,plante medicinale tolerante la factorii de stres din zonele cu soluri nisipoase supuse aridizarii.

Start date: 01/01/2014 > Completion date: 11/30/2020

General information about the project/initiative

Name of the Project/Initiative: Ameliorarea,identificarea si promovarea in cultura a unor specii si cultivare de cereale,plante tehnice,plante furajere,plante legumicole,pomi fructiferi,vita de vie,plante medicinale tolerante la factorii de stres din zonele cu soluri nisipoase supuse aridizarii.

General information about the organisation

City: Dabuleni
Post Code: 207220
Country: Romania

Contact details of the person responsible for the project/initiative:

Name: Aurelia Diaconu
Phone number: 0251 335 402

Description of the project/initiative

Domains covered by the project/initiative:

  • Plant genetic resources (PGR)

Number of partners: 4
Scope of the project: Regional
Initial motivation for starting the project/initiative: Recomandarea speciilor si cultivarurilor de plante adaptate conditiilor ecologice din zonele cu soluri nisipoase supuse aridizarii din sudul Romaniei.

Actions which describe the project – Actions are ranked from 1 to 10

Managing genetic resources (collecting, conserving, maintaining, regenerating, optimising composition, etc.) 2
Breeding and producing cultivars/breeds (including pre-breeding) 1
Improving methodology (improving all the above, standardising, etc.) 3
Scientific research (analysing diversity, finding traits, etc.) 4
Raising public awareness (aiming at the general public) 5

Budget and funding

Overall budget of the project/initiative (in Euros): 600000
National government: 30%
Other public authorities than national government and agencies: 50%
Public-Private Partnerships: 20%

Expected outcomes and communication


Increase knowledge X
Improve/conserve genetic resource materials X
Scientific community X
Genetic resources conservation community X


Users of genetic resources such as breeders, farmers, industry X

Project/initiative to lead to the initiation of further projects/initiatives

– Proiecte noi privind identificarea resurselor genetice vegetale adaptate schimbarilor climatice.